There are two general areas of marketing for businesses: external and internal.  External marketing is focused on finding new customers (print, radio, TV, interactive).  Internal marketing is focused on generating more business from existing customers.  Prior to eRelevance, businesses could hire expensive marketing consultants to do their internal marketing (who use various software tools) or license marketing automation software to do their own marketing. The marketing consultants can be slow and expensive because of all the manual effort required. The marketing automation software puts work on organizations and does not enforce marketing best practices.  At eRelevance, we’ve learned that small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) typically lack the marketing resource and time to effectively use today’s marketing automation tools.  

Now, the market has a new choice - an affordable, technology enabled marketing automation service.   Because we have automated so much of what is traditionally labor intensive, we deliver very high quality work in a very responsive manner, at a price point that is difficult to compete with.   And unlike others, we quantify the value that we are delivering with nearly immediate return on investment. 

Our technology-enabled marketing automation service is:

  • Eliminating the work and the need for complex software that is required today to do internal marketing (or outreach)
  • Maximizing financial investment by nurturing contacts in a consistent and systematic fashion
  • Increasing leads by replacing hap-hazard email blasts with integrated multi-channel marketing campaigns directed at targeted audiences with branded and consistent email, text, web, push, targeted social ads, and dynamic, personalized 1-on-1 conversations via mobile

Our technology-enabled marketing automation service surfaces leads for our customers with four to five times the effectiveness of them doing the internal marketing themselves. 
